iOS 4.1 — it’s about time
13 Sep 2010 - DaveWhen my iPhone 3g was first updated to iOS 4.0 (after the hour plus upgrade, multiple reboots and the long time to sync contacts and calendars), well it actually performed pretty good. It was responsive…for a while. After a week though the iPhone lost its zip. The iPhone 3g apps were as slow as I’d been reading online.
The impulse to go out and get the iPhone 4 and be done with the performance issues was strong. The iPhone 4 had its antenna problems. The complaints, reviews and spin by Apple and competitors made it hard to see through the smoke. The iPhone 3g worked, kind of, so I waited for the smoke to clear. When friends with an iPhone 3g asked about the iOS 4.0 upgrade I warned them to hold off.
I’ve had plenty of experience with software upgrades. Most of the time the new features need newer, faster hardware. But there was no great need to upgrade now. For a couple of months searching forums and twitter produced tweaks to eek more responsiveness from the iPhone 3g.
iOS 4.1 came after hearing positive chatter for a couple of weeks. The upgrade didn’t take as long as version 3 to version 4. When the upgrade was complete the iPhone 3g was a lot better than before.
The battery life sucked for a couple of days. After another power cycle that improved too.