Teal — the new computer with Windows 7

Over the last year I ran the beta versions of Windows 7 in virtual machines, PCs and Mac.  Windows 7 is the better product of the drawn out Longhorn beta than Vista.

Listening to the various Mac podcasts I’m hearing good things.  Mac podcasts…huh?  Some of the compliments from the Mac folks are pretty slight but I’ve also heard some glowing praise.  Of course the regular PC sources love it…that’s to be expected.

Jacob built a new computer for me…Teal.  It’s a new AMD processor, 4Gb RAM (for now) in a Lian Li case.  The ATI 4800 screams a bit when I work it in Call of Duty.

I am being careful now not to load programs that do not get used much.  Just keeping it lean.