Search with Google… link for Mobile Safari
04 Nov 2013 - DaveIn desktop browsers, Firefox & Chrome, you can select text or a phrase and right-click to *Search with Google*. The desktop browser opens another tab with search results for your selected text. This is a handy feature I miss on the iPad.
How to create the bookmarklet in iOS
1. Create a new bookmark using the Safari Send to button (bookmark this web page).
- Name the bookmark “Search with Google”.
- Select and copy the bookmarklet code below.
- Open Safari’s bookmarks and locate the “Search…” bookmark.
- Edit the bookmark, deleting the URL/link and paste the copied code.
- Save the changes.
Using the *Search Google for…* bookmarklet in iOS Safari
- Highlight text or a phrase on a web page.
- Click the Search… bookmarklet to open results in new tab.
Search with Google Bookmarklet code
javascript:q = "" + (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text); if (!q) q = prompt("Search words", ""); if (q!=null)"" + escape(q).replace(/ /g, "+")); void 0