Search with Google… link for Mobile Safari

In desktop browsers, Firefox & Chrome, you can select text or a phrase and right-click to *Search with Google*. The desktop browser opens another tab with search results for your selected text. This is a handy feature I miss on the iPad.

How to create the bookmarklet in iOS

1. Create a new bookmark using the Safari Send to button (bookmark this web page).

  1. Name the bookmark “Search with Google”.
  2. Select and copy the bookmarklet code below.
  3. Open Safari’s bookmarks and locate the “Search…” bookmark.
  4. Edit the bookmark, deleting the URL/link and paste the copied code.
  5. Save the changes.

Using the *Search Google for…* bookmarklet in iOS Safari

Search with Google Bookmarklet code

javascript:q = "" + (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text); if (!q) q = prompt("Search words", ""); if (q!=null)"" + escape(q).replace(/ /g, "+")); void 0