After upgrading Confluence, you are unable to create new pages or spaces
18 Feb 2017 - Dave
After upgrading Confluence the Administrator Atlassian Support Tools should be the first stop.
The Tools diagnosed a problem from the logs and presented a link to the Knowledge Base article about it. The article presented the problem and diagnosis. It then explained the cause and resolution. There were examples to explain the problem. The article also had links to related information.
This is what I love about wiki’s. As a system administrator I imported my predecessor’s Word documents into MediaWiki. It ran on an unused PC with Linux. The plain text markup caught on with a few engineers. Most were still stuck in Word (change is hard). When I saw a wiki template in SharePoint I thought it might be a bridge from MS Office to the wiki way of doing things. SharePoint didn’t have that flow. Atlassian’s Confluence makes me happy so far. It combines the linking and flow of MediaWiki with formatting tools. The Confluence formatting tools and workflows should help Office users.