netshr – a utility that makes it easier to manage network settings
05 Aug 2007 - Davenetshlr makes it easier to manage network settings
- netsh wrapper (netshlr pronounced “net-shell-er”)
- netsh is the Microsoft Windows is a command-line scripting utility that allows you to, either locally or remotely, display or modify the network configuration of a computer that is currently running.
- runs netsh scripts (netsh is a command line program for managing network settings that is part of Windows 2000 or newer)
- creates netsh scripts from the current network settings
- netshlr scripts are plain text files
- allows comments for better explanations about the settings
- netshlr scripts can be shared with others
- scripts can be saved for a specific network environment (ie. scripts can saved with programs and other documentation for a job)
- netshlr was developed in VB6