The potential of “Monad”
01 Jan 2006 - DaveMonad scripts could have a big impact on the value of existing tools used to manage Windows PCs, servers and networks.
Tools like SMS Server and MOM are GUI oriented tools for managing larger numbers of Microsoft platforms. While graphic user interfaces lessen the learning curve their value drops after folks reach a level of proficiency with the tasks. At that point a command line is more productive.
Command line tools are also better for automation.
SMS Server and similiar tools generate a lot of revenue for Microsoft and the other vendors. It will be interesting to see if Microsoft neuters Monad in some fashion to avoid damaging those revenue streams.
My hope is that they will take Ray Ozzie’s memo to heart and not tie Monad’s fortunes to the other products. It is a difficult call because of the potential of Monad v/s the need for the companies to make money.