Mailscanner on FreeBSD…

…running on Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 appears to be the leanest implementation of my favorite Internet email filter solution.

  • The Fedora Core 4 based solution still has more features. I haven’t been able to get the free command line BitDefender scanner to run on FreeBSD yet.
  • The smaller RAM/CPU footprint of the FreeBSD solution means more flexibility for where it is deployed.

This approach should be worth the effort of more testing.

Official Google Blog A new home for @Last Software

Official Google Blog A new home for @Last Software

It’s hard to imagine something better. Google & SketchUp. 3D computer graphics is the reason I got back into computers. Even though my career took the turn do the networking road 3D graphics has always been a passion.

Fifteen years ago I begged and borrowed to learn AutoCAD. At a computer flea market in New Jersey I bought a used copy of AutoCAD and went through the process to register and upgrade to become a legitimate owner.

Then came Rhino3D. A really cool package that packs the features found in the $5,000+ Maya for less than $1,000. There are lots of plugins and extensions that allows Rhino to work with other applications.

AutoCAD’s power users will not allow AutoCAD to evolve to quickly if at all. SolidWorks was the fresh start. Born in Windows to take advantage of a new generation of personal computing.
Sketchup is a lighter, leaner tool that lets you do 3D modeling without thinking about it. For those designers that want to focus more on the ideas and less on the tool.

Virtual Server 2005 R2 Enterprise Edition for Free

Download or Order Virtual Server 2005 R2 Enterprise Edition for Free

When I tested a trial version of Virtual Server a year ago there wasn’t a lot to move me from VMware Workstation.  It was worth another look since it’s now free!

Virtual Server doesn’t support Linux quite as well as VMware but it sounds like they are putting more effort into that need.

Virtual Server integrates better with a Windows server (not much surprise there).  And the web based management interface has a slight edge over the Beta VMware server.

This needs more testing



“Onfolio is the most productive way to collect, organize and share your online research. Designed for personal, professional and academic research, Onfolio is a PC application for reading RSS news feeds, collecting and organizing online content, and sharing content in emails, blogs and documents. With Onfolio, you get all of these tools in a single application that’s built into your browser for simplicity. “

Microsoft recently acquired Onfolio and released the product for free through their Live website.  Free is always good. 🙂

But the downside is that it appears the Firefox version of Onfolio will be a casualty. 🙁


Nessus is an Open Source network security scanner.  I have researched similiar tools but never had the budget to actually get my hands on one.  I’ll be posting later on Nessus after getting more time playing.

But after just a few hours of working with Nessus it is clear that it can save a whole ton of time identifying security holes on networked systems.