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A cool trick to link videos in PowerPoint presentations

This is a hack to simulate relative links to videos, etc. in Powerpoint

Sales was creating a new PowerPoint presentation. This is what they wanted to do…

  • Use links in the PowerPoint slide to separate, external videos.
  • This keeps the Powerpoint file smaller.
  • The link allows the presenter to skip showing the video at the time of the presentation.
  • Sales folks will copy the folder containing the Powerpoint file & videos to different laptops as well as Flash drives. The folder will change.
  • Simple enough for a sales person.

This hack depends mainly on two things. 1 – The little used MS-DOS command SUBST and 2 – The fact that Windows PCs do not use the B: drive.

Here is the Windows batch file: play.cmd You should create it in the same folder with the presentation.

REM Check if B: drive is in use
REM Map B: drive to current folder
REM %CD% is the variable for the current folder
REM Set B: as the current drive
REM Open the PowerPoint file and wait until it closes
call PowerPoint_File.ppt
REM Jump to the end of the batch file
echo The B: drive is already in use - quitting
REM Set C: as current drive
REM Remove B: drive mappings
echo done

For a finishing touch we created a shortcut to play.cmd. This allows us to configure the MS-DOS window to start minimized and to change the default icon.

Thanks to Matt Harris, Omega Design‘s Technical Writer, for helping to develop this hack.

AT&T’s New Limited Data Plan can help many customers save on their bill

Reading the news about AT&T’s data plan changes I followed the pundits. It really sounded like a bad deal, giving up Unlimited data!

But when I checked my AT&T account history my actual usage never went over the new lower plan of 200 Mb/month. My iPhone gets a fair amount of use with web browsing, email, Twitter and several other apps that sync with the web. That is half the cost of what I’m paying for data now. The higher plan is still a $5/month savings for 10 times the data I now use. Not much room to complain about that.

Should have done this a while ago – create a contact “AT&T Data Usage” with “*DATA#”. That provides a quick text message with current monthly balance.

I need to read more about the tethering. I wonder if AT&T would allow something like the iPad 3G plan, enabling tethering by the month. Or even day passes…

My commitment is up this summer. A new iPhone & OS is due. And AT&T has some interesting plan changes. Sounds like good news…for folks like me anyways.

[AT&T’s Limited Data: Should You Care? Vote in Our Poll Gadget Lab Wired.com](http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/06/att-poll-data/).

Online To Do list managers and the feud between Appigo and Remember the Milk

For folks who used Appigo’s ToDo iPhone application to sync with Remember the Milk it came to an abrupt end.

Remember The Milk revoked Appigo’s api license.

Here’s Appigo’s take on it.

Remember the Milk is an online task list manager. I started using it a few years ago. I out grew my Palm TX and Outlook’s task list and was looking to cut the work involved with just maintaining the To Do list.

  • RTM had well-integrated Gmail addin
  • Lots of other app’s that took advantage of RTM like the iPhone, Android and Blackberry apps
  • RTM’s workflow allowed me to make updates from anywhere – not just while at work or just at home

RTM hasn’t done much recently. It’s pretty mature so that’s ok.

I used RTM’s web optimized app and the native iPhone app. When I registered as an RTM Pro user for $25/year the iPhone app was part of the deal.  Appigo’s ToDo iPhone app worked better for me and it synced with RTM.

It looks like Appigo enhanced ToDo app for the iPad triggered the problem. Appigo claims that the API plumbing calls are no different from the iPhone version. RTM felt differently. As a result RTM killed the syncing for Appigo’s apps which in turn left a lot of us in a bit of a bind.

Appigo’s ToDo supported another online task manager called ToodleDo. I checked them out about a year or so ago.  Appigo arranged with the folks at ToodleDo to give paid RTM customers a six month free subscription to ToodleDo Pro. So I took advantage and exported my RTM tasks to ToodleDo.

The RTM/Appigo feud disappointed me but I found a painless alternative.

A Guide to Facebook’s New, Simpler Privacy Controls

Facebook simplified privacy this week.

Last week I ran the bookmarklet from http://www.reclaimprivacy.org/facebook to fix my privacy settings.  When I ran it again today it showed that Facebook undid my setting for photos.  Their actions and motives still look suspicious to me.

A Guide to Facebook’s New, Simpler Privacy Controls.