bookmarklet for iPads, iPhones that works with the redesigned site

When redesigned their site recently the iOS bookmarklets stopped working.

Googling for help didn’t turn up anything that worked for the moment.  The tutorials were still geared to the older site.  The URL shortener had become a real pain on the iPad.

I did find a fix at’s Tools page.

  1. I dragged the ‘+bitmark’  button to my PC browser’s button bar.
  2. Clicking it brings up the new dialog for URL shortening.  It’s no longer a sidebar.
  3.  I copied the JavaScript code from the new +bitmark button and transferred via SimpleNote and copied it to the iPad/Safari’s toolbar.

Here are some easier steps to get the “+bitmark” button on your iPad and iPhone:

  1. Copy the javascript below
  2. On your iPad or iPhone add a new bookmark (this page works)
  3. Go to Bookmarks and tap [Edit]
  4. Tap the new bookmark you just created
  5. Rename it to “+bitmark”
  6. Paste the javascript in the URL field
  7. Tap [Done]

===> Copy the JavaScript code below the line <===
